Sunday 13 September 2009

a brief update....

It’s been almost 2 months now since I was back in the UK.

The first two weeks was a bit depressing, as always, since it takes time to recover from leaving the joy of being home. I almost didn’t step out from home for the one whole week, and when I got back into the lab, I was hardly able to summon any motivation to get focused onto my research project.

Things were to become worse when I was to send flatmates going home for summer break, and there were only two of us left in the flat. What a torture would that be!!!! Thankfully, friends from Hull visited me for a weekend and some of them stayed here for a week time. Reunion with them reminded me of all those fun we used to have when we were back in Hull, and I started to miss life in “37, Walgrave Street”, which I have never appreciated much when I was having it.

And even more fortunately, when the friends from Hull were gone, there were two other friends arriving from Malaysia joined me in the flat, even though I wasn’t close to them at all (I had a slight conflict with one of them which happened ages ago that I couldn’t recall). Anyway, ice was broken in one-week time and we got along quite well. We’ve been hanging out in the past few weeks, and through them, I had known few more very nice friends. I’m really glad for all these, life here seems to take a change for the even better. I look forward to some great friendship worked out from this. :-)

On the other hand, things in the lab aren’t going too bad either. After struggles in the first two weeks, I started to get my feet on track. Results for some preliminary experiments seemed promising, and I hope they would be reproducible, giving me something which I can pursue further!

It’s entering autumn now and lots of newbies from Tawau gonna landing in UK soon, and this is just as exciting as having new friends here. I can see lots of city hopping, huge gathering and traveling in the future. I really can’t wait for that!!!!

Overall, things are all positive and I gonna keep it all up!!!